Tag Archives: dogs

Complaining is my “means to an end”

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I know I go on and on about the winter with it’s cold and snow but I do it for a reason.  It propels me closer to my goal of moving to a tropical island.

Of course there are the usual concerns like finances and immigration, but I worry mostly about my dog.  He loves the northern climate and I’m not sure how he’ll adapt to the Caribbean lifestyle.



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One of the men that works in my office gave us all chocolates at Christmas.

His wife had made them and they were really good!

They were creatively decorated, exquisitely presented and above all, delicious!  Here is one lady that could definitely quit her day job and become a chocolatier.  I’m sure Valentine’s Day alone would keep her going for the rest of the year!


Too much…

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This has been the worst winter I have ever experienced.  It’s been unbelievably cold with strong winds making it worse.  We’ve had more freezing rain than I can remember.  And snow…don’t get me started!  It seems to snow almost every day.  At the moment we are being hit with one of the biggest storms yet.  The snow is so deep you can’t even walk your dog…

too much©

Not Mommie Dearest I hope…

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I don’t have any children and sometimes wonder what kind of mother I would have been.  Judging by the way my dog behaves it looks as though I brought him up to be independent, happy  and confident…or the boss according to him.

not mommie dearest©

He’s making a list…

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Everyone is getting ready for Christmas and some wish lists are longer than others…

visit to santa©

His tricks, my treats…

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I love Halloween.  It’s one of my favourite times of the year.  THE favourite if it occurred in the summer but then you know me and hot weather.  Halloween is a time when you can dress up and be goofy.  If I had children they’d probably be hiding by now to keep from being subjected to my creative endeavours.  So once again it’s my dog that has to step (actually kicking and screaming) in.  Lucky for him it’s only in my doodles that he has to be “dressed” up.  Yes I do love Halloween and the fact that there’s candy involved (often chocolate candy) makes this occasion all the better.

Separation anxiety…mine

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I’m going to the Caribbean for a couple of days and as it’s partly business I can’t take my dog.  He’s staying with family so I know he’ll be okay.

I’m just worried he’ll miss me.

When all is said and done…

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It’s who we love that matters the most…

But sometimes that feeling isn’t always entirely mutual…

What lurks below

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Lately my dog has become obsessed with our sewer system.

I wonder what’s down there…

Mother’s Day

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     There’s more to being a mother than just giving birth. A mother (to me anyway) is someone who raises another with love, kindness, care, respect and all those other things that the good moms do. I don’t have any children of the human variety but I consider all the animals I’ve raised (Not for food!!!) my children. And now I’m raising my dog. I make sure he’s happy (lots of walks & toys), healthy (trips to the vet, too many according to him), clothed (although the only item he will tolerate is a raincoat because he hates to get wet) and well fed (the best quality dog food with garnishes of peanut butter, cheese and chick peas…yes chick peas, I’ve yet to meet a dog that doesn’t like chick peas). I do the best I can because I love him, and I did the best I could with all the rest of my “children”.

     So if you are someone who does the best that you can do to raise another (human or otherwise) then have a wonderful Mother’s Day.